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Donation Information

Payment Information

Payment Information
Please Mail Gifts To:

Delta Waterfowl
Attn: Whittlee LaMontagne
1412 Basin Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58504
Payment Information
Please Contact Whittlee LaMontagne at or Delta Waterfowl, 1412 Basin Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58504 for:

U.S. Charitable Wire Transfer
CAN Charitable Wire Transfer
U.S. Stock Transfers
CAN Stock Transfers

Delta Waterfowl Foundation is a 501cs non-profit U.S. (EIN: 53-0259796) and a Canadian (RCO#: 119058998 RR0001) Registered Charitable organization dating to 1911. Delta provides leading-edge research and science-based solutions that efficiently conserve waterfowl and secure the future for waterfowl hunting. Your gift will be used to provide greatest benefit for waterfowl conservation and hunting on your behalf.